Tower Defence game (title pending)
Important note, please keep in mind that this game has just breached the prototype stage, while all the functions and mechanics are there, and it's (mostly) bug free, there's a lot of work still to be done on balancing, design, UI and user experience.
The following is a breakdown of all the features and mechanics that are in the game but aren't properly presented yet.
1. The combat system
There are 3 types of enemies in this game, basic enemies, armored enemies and shielded enemies. There's also a boss enemy that will spawn every 25 waves, but that's essentially a slower but beefier normal enemy. The enemies will get more and more powerful (and faster) every 5 waves.
There are also a number of turret types, 3 offensive and 2 that serve to harvest materials. From left to right on the hud it's:
- The capsule will open the upgrade menu;
- the miner, harvests coal when placed on a coal deposit that you can use to build more stuff;
- the dwarf, deals the most base damage, but has no special attributes;
- the scientist, collects science from a fairy circle (mushroom circle), science allow you to upgrade your turrets;
- Wizard, has a slightly lower base damage than the dwarf, but deals bonus damage against armored enemies. It however deals lower damage against shielded units.
- crossbow Elf, has a slightly lower base damage than the dwarf, but deals bonus damage against shielded enemies. It however does lower damage against armored enemies.
2. the economics
You can purchase turrets and upgrade your scientists using coal, coal is gathered by miners on space with a coal deposit. There are a total of 9 coal deposits on the map, placed at random.
You can purchase upgrades to your turrets and miners using Science, you gather science from scientists placed on fairy circles. There are a total of 7 fairy circles placed at random.