Submission to Ludum Dare Game Jam 47:
Elevator pitch:
An endless war. Many enemies. Infinite waves. One man looping through the same battle over and over again until he lives the day enough times to rise victorious. Defend the goal with a myriad of powerful turrets to win once and for all.
How to play:
At the beginning of each loop you start by placing a tower. You can then shoot at the enemies using your mouse. You can also set your tower to loop everything you've done so far by hitting enter. Mana gained through killing enemies lets you buy more powerful towers.
Enter - Make tower loop the actions you performed with it
Crossbow Tower - As you'd probably expect, it shoots arrows. I mean, it's cool and all, and everyone needs to start somewhere, but everyone has one of these. Crossbow towers are so last year.
Tower O' Slime - She'll shoot a slime that slows enemies. I don't actually know if it's a she, but know I for a fact it's sentient. Sometimes I catch it... looking at me *shivers*
Infernal Tower - Now we're talking! This is what the cavemen intended when they sought the first flame. this tower spits fire like he's Drake, buys Gucci like it's fake, and makes the ladies do a double take.
Zapper-Thor S'more - This tower shoots a massive arc of electricity in a straight line so strong that even the lizard people living near the earth's core taste metal.
Eden (Lead / Programmer / Game Design)
scsc (Programmer)
Alex (Audio)
Miuzza (Art)
Robinson (Art)
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