Toxic (CreativaGS)
I just noticed there is a bug that does not let continue the game afer you entered the shelter, the emergency power supply is active not being active, i just missed the conditional switch. too bad, now we just have to wait till the upload feature is available again to update this fix. ;_;
However if you want to play it i will let a fixed version here.
Password is:
This is a very early alpha version without any plugins. In this game you should discover who is the enemy and what happened on the last 11 years. Find the shelter and manage resources to increase your base and invite new characters to join you.
As game is not finished credits does not exist yet, but music was made by
Undead Cyborg: Alexandr Zhelanov
Level 3 Theme: yewbic
Devious technology : Michael Carey
Game Art was made or remade by Sipsop.