Track Day
Track Day was a game developed for the Finally Finish Something jam 2018, by Reedingame Studios, and it did decently well, for my standards - anyway. In that jam, I got a lot of constructive criticism, which has allowed me to update the game further, improving it by a lot since the jam.
CHANGE LOG (15/04/2018)
* Fixed inverted turning bug.
* Added new car - the Space Car!
* Prevented flag exploit. User now has to hit the checkpoint to complete a lap.
Back Story:
I had this idea back when I started game development using Unity. The idea was meant to be simple: you are thrown onto a track and you drive around it. The idea was worked on slightly, and then I just kind of forgot about it, still wanting to make it at some point in the future.
One day in December of 2017, I stumbled across the Finally Finish Something 2018 Game Jam, when searching for jams, and promptly joined. I knew from the moment I clicked the join button that my submission would be Track Day.
I will be releasing updates for this game in the future, including brand new tracks, cars and more features of the sort.I hope you enjoy playing the game!
-Tom Bear