TRAIN-001: A Space Oddity
Welcome to TRAIN-001: A Space Oddity
After a critical crash in space, the only two surviving astronauts must find each other if they want to survive. Guided by the motivationally questionable E.L.O.N., can these two astronauts find each other and get home safely?
TRAIN-001: A Space Oddity is a 2 player local co-op game. Two players each control a space pod and must navigate to find each other, comparing screens and using landmarks and flares to find each other.
Made during Train Jam 2018 <3
This game was designed with controllers in mind, but can be played with a keyboard.
Left Stick - pitch and roll
Right Stick - Look around
Right Trigger- Accelerate
Left Trigger - Decelerate
Left Bumper - Activate flare (when next to a flare)
Wayne James - 3D Artist
Jake O'Brien - Programmer and FX
Alex Van Halen - Programmer
Jessica Tompkins - Writer
Zack Smith - Programmer
Tyler Haddad - Producer