Trampoline Gunmen Minigames
This was originally inspired by WarioWare. This was also the first game I made to feature hi-score saving, and the ability to move your character left and right using the arrow keys. I think it turned out damned well, especially the front-end and save function – it all comes together to feel really professional. The storyline, which is redundant in a collection of minigames, is pure condensed ridiculousness.
Mattress Hopping
This is what TG could have originally turned out like. In hindsight, it’s not that much fun. The window gets smaller as the game progresses. I was tempted to include several windows instead of one giant window, each giving a different score, but I coded this last out of the 8 available games, and just wanted it finished.
Bullet Tsunami
Avoid the oncoming bullets for a high score. There’s only a maximum of four, and the game works pretty well, but I wished I’d varied the time between a bullet going offscreen and then re-appearing on the other side, since as it is, they tend to cluster together.
Missile Demand
Inspired vaguely by the arcade game Missile Command. The visuals are pretty damned awful. I think I should have also coded it so the missiles avoided each other, since with purely randomised vertical movement, they tend to fuse together sometimes.
Aim as close to the centre as possible. You get five shots, and the score is an average of those five.
Lantern Blast!
You’ve got a time limit to shoot as many randomly appearing lanterns as possible. If you aim it right, you can shoot several lanterns with a single bullet. After shooting a lantern its tattered remains still stay on screen. I could have drawn a solid black square over the lantern once destroyed, to clean up the screen, but I decided against this since I really liked the effect it created.
Bullet Pong
The TG series is a bit like Pong with guns, so here I bring you, Pong with guns! I was also thinking of making a variation on this called Body Pong, where you needed to use your body to rebound the ball, but 8 seemed like a good number and I just wanted the project finished.
Bounce for me Baby
Shoot a baby in order to make it bounce, and therefore protect it from the spikes below. To complicate matters, there are spikes up above, and too much bouncing will also cause problems. It’s very difficult at first, since the timing of the first shot needs to be precise, but afterwards it’s quite a tense target practice game.
Got cheese?
White balls of goat cheese are fired at you, and you need to catch them. This is the weakest minigame, since speed changing to grab the cheese is nearly impossible. Perhaps the cheese should fly a bit slower? Also, in hindsight I wish you didn’t lose points for missing cheese, since I find that often I’ll end up with a negative score. I should have changed this before finalising the game, but for whatever reason didn’t.