Transcendent You

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I had a project back then for my mathematics subject wherein we were tasked to create something to be used to teach about a certain mathematical topic using a platform related to our academic strand STEM. I used the form of video game, visual novels to be exact, as my platform to teach about Transcendental Functions.

Featuring all the digital art I've drawn, coded everything on my own. It is quite dated compared to what I can do now since this was all done back in 2017. The soundtracks used were from Your Name and Haikyuu!! OSTs, which was such a hit during that time, I don't plan making any money out of this due to copyright. Featuring some photos in my campus as backgrounds, you'll see a photo of my teacher at that time as well as a funny reference, I could say I made a pretty concise game (although the plot may be pretty cliche) and I'm pretty proud of this as the first game I've ever made in my life.

I have decided to upload the game here to have a permanent archive of it online. Feel free to download it and play if you'd like. It is quite a mathematical tutorial with a sprinkle of shoujo romance. I wish you luck on the exam I wrote here!

Regards, rhenoa24

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Last Modified: Aug 16, 2021

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