"Become an alchemist!" they said, "Master the elements!" But they never said it would be so darn befuddling!
In Transmutations, you face off against a friend to transmute as many elixirs as possible using only your wits and more dirt than anyone could ever want. But in alchemy, there is no fixed secret to success. You'll have to use observation and experimentation to decipher the right formulas to craft what you need.
- 2 Player versus mode
- Single-player practice mode
- Mouse/Keyboard/Gamepad support
- Customizable gameplay
- Adept's Guide to Alchemical Transmutations, by Moira Wormliver (the manual)
More information:
Game design, programming, and art by Nash High.
Special thanks to Joe for numerous ideas & other feedback, and to all of the Flyover Indies crew for testing & insight!