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Transport Giant

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It's the year 1850 - The world is changing. A new era of mass production and mass transportation has begun. For a smart businessman there are many opportunities. With a little money and good ideas you can establish a business empire. There are new companies founded on every corner. The world is in need of all kinds of goods and the growth of cities is increasing dramatically. But how do the goods get to the customer?

How do the workers get to their factories? And who will transport the huge amount of raw materials? The time has come for a powerful and giant transportation company. Especially transport within the domestic market are increasing to a point where it can no longer be handled easily. You establish a transport company in the year 1850 and try to make as much profit as possible over the next 200 years. You have to establish means of transportation for raw materials, finished goods and for workers and employees to get them to work. Outdo your competitors and make big money in Transport Giant!Features
  • Simulation of a complex but easy-to-grasp transportation cycle
  • Set-up of transport routes complete with infrastructure
  • Carriage of goods and passengers
  • Changing economic situations
  • Three different scenarios (Europe, USA and Australia)
  • Several campaigns and numerous endless maps
  • Ingenious signalling and guidance system for trains
  • Over 130 vehicles (trains, monorails, superconductor trains, lorries, ships, aeroplanes and helicopters)
  • Over 60 different products and industries
  • Over 500 different buildings
Release date
United Independent Entertainment
Fancy Bytes
United Independent Entertainment, Toplitz Productions
Age rating
10+ Everyone 10+

System requirements for PlayStation 4

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows® 95/98/ME/2000/XP/Vista/7/8
  • Processor: 500 MHz, Intel® Pentium™ III or comparable
  • Memory: 64 MB RAM
  • DirectX: Version 8.0
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 1 GB available space
  • Additional Notes: ATTENTION: May not work on Intel® Onboard Graphics
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Last Modified: Jan 25, 2024

Where to buy

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1 edit
Oct 13, 2017
DT Gaming
Industry Giant 2 - Greenland - Ep 1 [Greenland Furniture Industry!]
Aug 14, 2015
Let's Try Transport Giant Steam Edition 2014 - Episode 1
Sep 9, 2014
Transport Giant Gold Edition 2012 Gameplay (PC/HD)
Jun 6, 2012
Transport giant [part 1]
Mar 6, 2011
Transport giant gold - wild west
Apr 21, 2011
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Ocean Freight Services and Benefits offered by JTM Cargo Management.mp4
Corporate Packers and Movers in Gurgaon
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Transport Giant reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
1. Runs On Windows 10 with maximum Resolution of 1920x1080 (adjustable in Game) 2. It offers 3 Campaigns:-one in the USA (1850 to 1980) with 7 Missions (different Maps)-one in Australia (1850 to 2059) with 12 Missions (different Maps)-one in Europe (1910 to 2050) with 7 Missions (different Maps) Watch Tutorial for Endless play Mode. With each Mission, there is one Goal to accomplish in a certain Amount of time. 3. It offers an Endless game Mode:-you can choose the Card Type (USA, Australia, Europe)-you can choose the Card size (small, medium, large, huge)-you can choose the Start year (1850, 1875, 1900, 1925, 1950, 1975, 2000)-you can choose some other Factors Before a Card is generated, The Heart of the Game is after the Campaigns to play against up to 3 AI Entrepreneurs. What do you have to do? Run a Transport Company! By Road, on Rails, at Sea and in the Air. Yes right there are Oxcarts, Horse-drawn Carriages, Buses, trucks, Steam Locomotives, diesel Locomotives, electric Locomotives, Oil Tankers, Titanic, Propeller Planes, Boings and much more. What do you transport like that? From Wood to Trunks to Furniture, Paper, Newspapers, Ores, electronics, oil, Passengers to solar Cars, Everything is there. Beginner Tips? The Space bar Rotates Buildings, rails, Roads. In the Beginning I would play extensively in the slight Degree of difficulty before playing Medium or Heavy, because then There can be no infinite Distances here without being repaired and have a Lifespan before they completely scrap ( Really gone) are. Have Fun and Have Fun playing the Steam Achievements!
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Just one Note in advance: I recommend with strong ONLY! Transport Gigant is one of the classic Transport Simulations from the last Decade and rightly has many Fans. The Main Task is to Transport a large Number of Goods Through complex Supply chains with an even greater Number of means of Transport, from the Horse-drawn Carriage to the Magnetic Levitation railway. It is important to observe the Need to observe the Production Limits and even the current Season. The Game has a Time Course over about 200 Years and also offers the appropriate Campaigns in various Parts of the World with correspondingly different Goods and Vehicles, including the USA, Europe and Australia. With the Steam or HD Version of 2014, not only are a few operating comfort features added, but also work has been done on the signal system, which, in Contrast to the original Version of 2004, can now also be used in a meaningful way (at that time there were Problems with Main Signals in Railway Stations). The Difficulty level has been slightly raised and the Game is now playable even without Tricks by Setting in the Options up to 1080p. This Version should also be operational on Windows 8 ... And with the "should" we come to the Limitations of my Recommendation: A Number of Players unfortunately report that the Game either does not start undependable from the Windows version at all or is only very limited to play (E.g. picture flickers). In addition, AI does not seem to be working at all at the Moment, it is simply idle. I'm hoping strongly for an early Patch here! So If you don't own the 2004 Version or you can't do it anymore, I can recommend Transport Giant, provided you clarify beforehand whether it's running on the Hardware you have and you can do without the AI. In Case Of Doubt, however, I advise you to Wait And see (possibly for a Steam sale). This Review refers to the release version of September 2014. I Show You in detail Transport Giant in my Checklist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzVHVr_e_7o
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