Average Playtime: 1 hour

Trickster VR - Procedural Dungeon Crawler

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  • 35 levels with a steady difficulty curve.
  • 15 weapons with unique powers to unlock.
  • 8 different mission types.
  • 4 player co-op.
  • 4 biomes to explore.
  • Oculus home keys for Rift users.

Scoring three headshots at once, while cutting down a jumping orc mid-flight. Trickster is designed to let you shine. Practice your accuracy and finesse, hunt for the weakpoints and fence the orcish chieftain in this skill oriented fantasy action.

Orcs that come equipped in anything, but a lengthy health bar. Each of them packs a special set of moves and skills. You will need all your wits to escape their abilities and land those headshots. But when you do learn to outsmart them, you'll feel like a true warrior. Because, guess what - you just became one.

Ever been dreaming about flipping burgers in virtual reality? We neither! Unsheathe the magic sword and give orcs hell among the ever changing landscape of burning skies and floating islands. Trickster features procedural level system that lets you visit endlessly different places over three biomes.

Trickster features two different game modes and three difficulty levels, so you can pick what type of fun speaks to you the most.
  • Adventure Mode - Take on the orcs in the procedurally generated levels, with enticing quests to complete.
  • Wave Attack - Defend the portal to your home world from the orcish horde.
Release date
Trickster Games
Trickster Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: Core i5-4430
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770
  • Storage: 1 GB available space
  • OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: Core i7-4820K
  • Memory: 16 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070
  • Storage: 1 GB available space
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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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Master Bow Shooter Person
Level up a ranged weapon to level 20.
All that's missing is a dragon.
Complete an adventure level in Nordhall.
Ride the Storm
Beat Ulfric the Stormchaser
Am I a hero now?
Complete an adventure game on Legendary difficulty.
Twice the fun
Unlock the Crossfire dual crossbow.
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Trickster VR - Procedural Dungeon Crawler reviews and comments

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Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review Vorab Information Trickster VR Seemed very promising to me at first Glance, but like many other VR Title, it brings with it some quirks. In this Review, I try to explain why Trickster is still worth his Money and why it convinced me. Cons-No Hands: Unfortunately, you can only switch between Weapons but not between Weapon and Hand. It makes it more difficult to Operate the User Interface and some other Components in the Game. -The Monsters bug in Battle: Sometimes the Monsters abruptly interrupt their Action and just stop. -A really annoying Thing is that the Monsters are constantly running into one-The Game becomes very demanding very quickly and that Can potentially get frustrating (if the Levels are not done or just spawn Far too absurdly large Monster groups)-Low Quali Textures: On the Screenshots and in the Videos, the graphic Component seemed to be very impressive, but if you look more closely in VR it becomes clear again that the Objects either come from purchased assets or the Objects simply do not for VR Optimized. The World still looks great thanks to great lighting and a suitable Atmosphere! Especially with the monster textures you realize, however, that this really could have been done better. -Glasses, barrels, Chests etc. cannot be destroyed: Unfortunately, there is not a single remarkable Physics in the Game-The Fight in the individual is really poorly implemented: Trickster does not mind, because the Fight is not designed for 1on1 but rather 10 Against 1. It's much more a Shreckling by a lot of Monsters than a defensive Fight (as with Vanishing Realms). The whole thing is a Matter Of view. But I like both in the Individual Fight (at least against normal Monsters) Trickster unfortunately beat something here. -Once again no Steam Achievements: I think it's a real shame that Indie VR Developers don't take the Time To add Achievements to their Game. So we can't level up our Accounts or chase Steam achievements to Steam players. Both Sides would benefit if that is changed. Positive Trickster Brings with it some negaive aspects but the positive Properties override with a huge Head start:-A lively Atmosphere: Beautiful Music with matching Sound effects, Animals and an ever-changing World. -Exciting Boss Battles that can be won with Strategy or strong Offense. -Challenge: You will die in the Game, guaranteed! -Multiple Gameplay: You can play Through a Quest series or prove yourself in the Waveshooter-Quest Reward-Different types get around (Teleport and various Variant of touchpad walking)-Many great Weapons with each of its own Special abilities (10/ 10 for it!) -Enough Content for many Hours-Active Development work (Bugs and Content (also Multiplayer in work))-A very high Replay value! Conclusion In general, it is probably quite easy to rate VR games: After playing it for the very first time, would I start the Game again the next Day? Yes! Trickster has a Replay value: Unlocking Weapons and sinking your Butt to many Monsters in the wild Battle! Trickster VR definitely gets a Buy recommendation from me and a Rating of 8/10 Points! Great Job and on like that.
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