Instructions :
Every turn , you will be given a random "triple".Left click on an empty spot to place it .
when three or more same triples are adjacent to each other , they will be upgraded to the next tier up .Combine three for a regular upgrade ,and more than three for an upgrade worth more points .The crystals can be used as a wild card ,and so can become whatever is needed at the spot to make and upgrade , however , if no upgrade can be done , a rock will be placed .Finally the axe is used to destroy rocks ,triples and enemys .
If you would like to change the art , you can ! All the sprites are located in " ../assets/2.png" .It's a 512*512 png .If you do change it ensure the width,height ,file format and pixel format remain the same .I don't think editing the sheet will lead to any adverse effects .The triples are animated with three frames ,in the sheet are vertically aligned .
PS if you do change the art , feel free to re-upload the entire package to your own page ,but please do credit me . Also I'd be happy to do the 'credit/about' page and include your information .
Authors notes
The game was built using SFML 2.5.1(c++ binding) and the source code is available here . Thank you , for trying my game , i hope it brings you joy ! If you have trouble running the game , please do leave feedback in the form of a comment , this was my first time using a framework instead of an engine . Also if there is interest in seeing this project become something more , i may begin development again and look into porting to windows . I don't claim to be an expert (i am not,just a hobbyist), but if you are learning c++ or just have any questions about the code feel free to ask me a question in the comments here.