Trixie & Katya in UNHHHBOUND: Thanks For Nothing (DEMO)
A loving, totally unofficial GB tribute to those green-screened clown strippers from hell if they were dropped into an alt Earthbound universe (in which the iconic World Of Wonder basement is kind of like the Black Lodge from Twin Peaks). Yes, I'm unhinged.
DEMO MISSION: collect sprites of
- a pristine 1959 barbie (in the box)
- katya's beloved tabitha
- dolly parton's sacred autoharp (the most powerful item in the ideal version of this game)
- a rare, possibly haunted poster of julia roberts
- the coveted "two birds" statue
bonus: there are three total side quests each for Katya, Trish, and Doctor B in this demo
(see controls below for how to pull up the checklist in-game)
w, a , s , d - move around
z - interact/continue
enter/return - brings up the checklist menu
currently, there is NO SAVE FUNCTION!
IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ BEFORE PLAYING!!! This game is a demo, i.e. incomplete, because I'm having a hard time finishing it on my own and am very much open to collaboration / working with fans of Trixie and Katya's show to achieve this. If you're curious, read my devlog to delve into what needs to be finished. Hit me up!
ps, it was brought to my attention that Trixie Mattel's favourite games include Bioshock, Fallout: New Vegas (!!), and the Katamari franchise. What a woman.
credits/incessant thank you's to
- Chris, wizard of GBStudio
- David, oracle of Aseprite
- Rhys, conjuror behind some of the lovely GB-style assets I used for this game. Assets can be found here and here.
- SodaDev for some fonts I found here.
- RexyWood for the temp music I found here.
- BARBIE: THE SLASHER MOVIE palette by me and can be found here.
- Last but not least; World Of Wonder, Pete, Jeff, Ron, Fena, Trixie, and Katya for without whom this abomination certainly wouldn't exist (I'm so sorry).