Try Not To Have Gay Sex With Yves

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Chuu wants to have gay sex with Yves.  Your mission in this small puzzle-based RPG-Maker game celebrating Pride month and featuring all your Loona faves is to not let this happen.  Good luck, you'll need it!

Warning: while there are no explicit sex scenes in this game, gay sex is mentioned quite a lot, probably even more than you're expecting.  Olivia Hye also has a slightly foul mouth, but then she IS a teenager so that kind of comes with the territory.

This game is completely FREE, however if you actually enjoyed this hot steaming turd of a software please consider supporting Kpopalypse on Patreon so I can make even more of this trash, thank you.

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System requirements:

PC version: any computer made in the last 15 years can run this game on PC, seriously.

Not available for other operating systems at this stage.

Not available for mobile devices.

Update history:

27/6/2019: v1.1:

Some characters in the game were almost as obsessed by Yves as Chuu is - Haseul and Go Won no longer refer to Chuu as Yves in certain dialogues.
Tutorial book no longer vanishes when Chuu is vision-impared.
Kim Lip now has some more dialogues depending on Chuu's game progress.
Certain "computer events" are now better synchronised.
New background music for part of the "victory" event, for dramatic effect.
Some Korean text has been Romanised so the font can display it.
Image of Yves in the title screen now matches how Yves looks in the game.
Small additions to some other dialogues.

26/6/2019 v1.0 - original release

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

Edit the game info
Last Modified: Jun 28, 2019

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