TS4 Limited Funds Begone!

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I’ve done this XML plugin some time ago as I didn't like that amount that EA/Maxis gives your sims to get started. So I'm pleased to offer it to everyone here as one of my starting points, of me getting ready to release a few more projects that I've been working on for Sims 4 (TS4), that is yet to come for everyone to enjoy.

Please read the details (below) before you move forward, installing an XML plugin mod (.package)!

Q: Tired of limited funds coming out of CAS or downloading Sims for the gallery?

A: One of the mods contained inside the zip is guaranteed to fix that.

I’ve have created a list of game modifications to help you avoid having so little funds at the beginning of the game, I was tired of starting the game with limited funds, so I decided to created a mod that will allow you to pick a number of Simoleon dollars to start your games Sims with coming out of the CAS or download Sims for the online gallery, so that your Sims can afford a pricey lot or house in the game, making it much quicker and easy to get a bigger home for your sims to grow there families or partnership with other sims.

Realism Version: Starting the game with; The Original versions I did for the gameplay. 

  • 100K (Plus 50k per sims) 
  • 150K (Plus 50k per sims) 
  • 200K (Plus 40k per sims) 
  • 250K (Plus 40k per sims) 
  • 300K (Plus 30k per sims) 
  • 350K (Plus 30k per sims) 
  • 400K (Plus 20k per sims) 
  • 450K (Plus 20k per sims) 
  • 500K (Plus 10k per sims) 
  • 550K (Plus 10k per sims) 
  • 600K (Plus 5k per sims) 
  • 700K (Plus 5k per sims) 
  • 800K (Plus 1k per sims) 
  • 900K (Plus 1k per sims) 
  • 1 Million (Plus 500 per sims) 
  • Plus More...

If you wish for more than a Million Simoleon Dollars, visit azoresman Profile for their Billion Simoleon dollar version of the mod if you wish your sims to be billionaires? as there mod does Use the same shared Instance so you can only have one or the other installed in your mods folder at ONCE. In addition, all the above plugin mods for the gameplay are stable to date 06/23/2019 and should still work into the foreseeing and upcoming future of the  Sims 4. Until a major gameplay change may rise if any? :up:

Challenging Version: Starting the game with: By Request of a member for more of challenging gameplay. 

  • 30K (No Extra per sims) 
  • 30K (Plus 50 per sims)
  • 30K (Plus 100 per sims) 
  • 30K (Plus 500 per sims) 
  • 40K (No Extra per sims) 
  • 40K (Plus 50 per sims) 
  •  40K (Plus 100 per sims) 
  •  40K (Plus 500 per sims) 
  • 50K (No Extra per sims)
  • 50K (Plus 50 per sims)
  • 50K (Plus 100 per sims) 
  • 50K (Plus 500 per sims)

All Above Plugin gameplay mods are beta as of date 06/23/2019 and testers are needed to see if the game will support their gameplay with using one of these options.

No Extra Version: Starting the game with: Updated versions of the Original mod plugins of gameplay. Your sims will NOT get any form of extra funds per Sim(s). 

  • 100K (No Extra per sims) 
  • 200K (No Extra per sims) 
  • 300K (No Extra per sims) 
  • 400K (No Extra per sims) 
  • 500K (No Extra per sims) 
  • 600K (No Extra per sims) 
  • 700K (No Extra per sims) 
  • 800K (No Extra per sims) 
  • 900K (No Extra per sims) 
  • 1 Million (No Extra per sims)

Again Above Plugin gameplay mods are beta as of date 06/23/2019. Testers are also needed for these ones, to see if the game will support their gameplay by using one of these options.

Special Notice: Please keep in mind that you need only one package. I have all The Sims 4; Expansions, Game, and Stuff packs installed, right up to the latest Island living (aka RoMi).


The Sims 4 Base Game with/out any stuff, expansion, or game packs installed. In addition, it does NOT use any other form of mod requirements for it to function!

These overrides/tuning plugin(s) DO NOT conflict with any other mod that is not using the same instance (below) as these are standalone (via you mods folder) and should not require to be updated due to the game; patches, packages, expansion, etc as its a core override/tuning plugin and should support just about anything. without affecting your gameplay, even if you decide to remove it in the future.

Each and every Sims 4 .package uses the same, Instance Id: D66F672E4576EC88 why you only use one!.

Downloading info: 

These downloads are CC free, nor does it use an additional plugin/mod. Just download and place "ONLY ONE!" of these packages into your "Mods folder", that is it. 

Need Help?:

You can request help by PM on this website or visit my personal website "Installing Help & Tips" page of my-site HERE!, or look at my Read Me, that is included in the download

Footer Notes: If you need support or have any question(s) feel free to PM, (Private Messaging) me. Be advised; I'll get back to you ASAP (As So As Possible). 

If you like what I have shared here feel free to leave a "Comment" (below), or by just clicking the "Like", as it's always nice to see once in a will? You can also follow me by clicking the follow  button (above, next to my user name) to help keep in the know of any latest gameplay breakthroughs, updates, or creations I come up with. 

I hope you enjoy and happy Simming.

Additional Credits: Sims4Studio 

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Not rated

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TS4 Limited Funds Begone! screenshot, image №2511221 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Sep 7, 2020

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