GameMagazine, which has serialized many popular works such as "Angels of Death" and "Tsugunohi," and "TSUKUMOGAMIS!" is now available on Steam!
This is a school gag game with bizarre characters.
The game contains a total of 82 complete episodes, each of which can be played in about 15 minutes!
It is an orthodox ADV in which the story progresses through exploration of the map, conversations with characters, and events.
The player basically controls Sumika, the main character, to advance the story, but there is a part where the player moves to the "World of Tsukumogami gods" and switches control to Musubi.
In addition, you can challenge yourself with various mini-games such as quizzes, puzzles, and actions, which differ from episode to episode!
Musubi, born of a Tsukumogami god father and a mother of kotodama, is a half-human who is neither one nor the other.
In order to become a full-fledged man, Musubi possesses the mouths of humans in order to collect as many "good words" as he can, but the girl he possesses, Sumika Yorishiro, is a communicator who has forgotten how to speak!
Sumika is a reclusive, trashy JK who lives for chatting.
If this situation continues, instead of collecting "good words," Musubi will collect only "bad words," and he will become an evil spirit!
Sumika meets Musubi and decides to go back to school.
This is a not-at-all-heartwarming gag game about Musubi, Sumika, and the strange and bizarre friends they meet at the school!
GameMagazine, which has serialized many popular works such as "Angels of Death" and "Tsugunohi," and "TSUKUMOGAMIS!" is now available on Steam!
This is a school gag game with bizarre characters.
The game contains a total of 82 complete episodes, each of which can be played in about 15 minutes!
It is an orthodox ADV in which the story progresses through exploration of the map, conversations with characters, and events.
The player basically controls Sumika, the main character, to advance the story, but there is a part where the player moves to the "World of Tsukumogami gods" and switches control to Musubi.
In addition, you can challenge yourself with various mini-games such as quizzes, puzzles, and actions, which differ from episode to episode!
Musubi, born of a Tsukumogami god father and a mother of kotodama, is a half-human who is neither one nor the other.
In order to become a full-fledged man, Musubi possesses the mouths of humans in order to collect as many "good words" as he can, but the girl he possesses, Sumika Yorishiro, is a communicator who has forgotten how to speak!
Sumika is a reclusive, trashy JK who lives for chatting.
If this situation continues, instead of collecting "good words," Musubi will collect only "bad words," and he will become an evil spirit!
Sumika meets Musubi and decides to go back to school.
This is a not-at-all-heartwarming gag game about Musubi, Sumika, and the strange and bizarre friends they meet at the school!
System requirements for PC
- OS: Windows 10
- Processor: Intel Core2 Duo or higher
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: Open GL compliant video card
- Storage: 400 MB available space