Tunnel Treasure

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Tunnel Treasure is a game about destroying blocks and getting Treasure! But time is scarce, so you will have to move fast and be careful in how you plot your course in order to get as much loot as possible! Rarer loot is worth more than others, and if you're lucky, you may even find one of the LEGENDARY treasures! Good Luck!

Game is free to download, but you are welcome to pay in order to support a future of more updates and more games if you want.


arrow keys: move/aim

d key: destroy block

f key: jump

+ key: pause/unpause game

Click the Maximize button in the bottom right corner to go full screen. There is only one mode, Single Player. Choose this mode and then select your time limit. Each time limit has its own high score table. Try and beat your friend's score!

Credits: Created by Jacob Porter (Cofefe) with Amazing sound effects by JDWasabi and Simon Lamoureux and a special font by Daniel Linssen. Check out their stuff, its great.

UPDATE: I corrected a small bug where the full-screen didn't draw text quite centered. I have uploaded the new file, HeartJam1.01, but the old file is still there. They are both the exact same thing, but 1.01 doesn't have the full-screen bug.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

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Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019

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