Twilight Arena
In a war between Light and Shadow to engulf the world, they send their Battlemages to fight in the only place they can coexist: the TWILIGHT ARENA!
Twilight Arena is a brawler for two players. It is played by fighting to capture points and defeating your enemy.
This game and all its assets were made in 48h for the #luxjam, themed Light And Shadow.
(pixel font is m6x11 by managore:
Player 1 Controls:
- Select: F
- Movement: A, D
- Jump: W
- Crouch: S
- Weak Attack: F
- Strong Attack: G
- Uppercut: S + F
- Block: S + G
- Exit Game: Esc
- Return to Menu: Enter
Player 2 Controls:
- Select: F
- Movement: Arrow Keys
- Jump: Up Arrow
- Crouch: Down Arrow
- Weak Attack: O or Num Pad “4”
- Strong Attack: P or Num Pad “5”
- Uppercut: Down Arrow + O/Num Pad “4”
- Block: Down Arrow + P/Num Pad “5”
- Exit Game: Esc
- Return to Menu: Enter