Twilight Zone (Outfrost, marekdomagala_composer, 666Savior)
You've just arrived at humanity's latest frontier: planet Wolf 1061c.
Your task is to establish a base of operations, so that when the settlers arrive, they have access to enough fresh air and sustenance.
Construct buildings, discover what's around you, and manage your resources wisely. Run out of something, and it will trigger a cascade of failure. Good luck!
An Honest Jam 2 game by- Iwo 'Outfrost' Bujkiewicz ( - programming, game design, UX design, VFX
- Marek Domagała ( (youtube) - music
- Ryan '666Savior' White ( - level design, building design, programming
3D models by
Artist's impression of the Wolf 1061 system by NASA/JPL-Caltech
Font: Atkinson Hyperlegible by Braille Institute of America
The jam theme was "Discover".