Type 2 Invasion

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Hello and thank you for your interest! Please feel free to give feedback or report any problems you may encounter.

I began this project in August of 2019 after roughly four years of Unity development practice. I was originally working on a much larger project where I learned a lot but ran into some short comings so I decided it was time to cut back scope and tackle a much smaller game idea. My plan was simple, on a sheet of notebook paper come up with a game mechanic, write down the features of the entire game and if I get to the end of one side of the paper stop adding features. At that point I had a set of features I could organize into the game you can now play here. I am very pleased with the experience and hope you are enjoying the game.

I plan to continue this style of mechanic design and create more prototypes for your enjoyment. I also want to focus on prototypes that receive the most positive feedback so if you see something special in anything I produce please let me know.


Possible feature enhancements include the following:

  • Boss Battles
  • Alternate Wave Types
  • Strategic Waves
  • Alternate Weapon Types
  • Power Ups
  • Power up acquisition mechanic
  • Story Mode and Ending
  • Allow the player to navigate the battle field and enemies fire towards the player. The player would need to evade incoming attacks.
  • VR and/or mobile build
Next Steps

Type 3 Ascension Prototype

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

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Last Modified: Nov 22, 2019

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