Combining typing, tower defense and some features from board games. You can place turrets on stone tiles. Costs money which you can gain by killing some monsters or typing the given text. You need to be patient and type it slowly, you do not need to be fast. Game turns are decided by you: whenever you roll the die. This random factor affects how much the monster will come closer to you. If any monster touches the girl during movement, it deals damage. The player can heal himself/herself also by typing the given text. I wanted to try traditional art for this Ludum Dare and worked with watercolors; which was quiet fun but did not work well at the end. Since the characters are so small the effect is not visible like I aimed.
I made the background music during the event using GarageBand. Chinese instruments were “incompatible” with this game, but well; I tried to put as many incompatible things as I can: watercolor graphics, this kinda music, tower defence, rolling the dice, typing.