Tyranny Defense Simulator 2984
Welcome to TDS 2984!
The objective of this simulator is to learn how to deal with an unruly populace. As you start the simulation, the populace will become disobedient and start sharing harmful opinions. These will be filtered out and displayed to you on the screen.
The more of these messages sink in, the more your reputation suffers, and the more eager the populace becomes to question you. Therefore, it is your objective to shut down all problematic messages before they have the time to sink in. You must rule by fear. The more posts you redact, the more the populace will fear you, and the less they will have the foolheartedness to share.
If you *do* by any chance miss a message, it will be displayed to you on the right side of the screen.
Good luck, and remember! We will make a great tyrant of you yet!