This WebGL version of Uffern differs slightly to the downloadable version. The lighting is worse, gravity has been turned off for items (they will float.) And the mouse is a little more sensitive.
The downloadable version can be found here: https://indiedevdan.itch.io/uffern
Ludum Dare 47 Entry. Check my entry page here: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/47/$218447
Work your way through multiple rooms, an item to craft in each. Each room has parts placed neatly in each corner, and your job is to grab the right parts in order to create the correct item needed to get to the next room.
Currently only the Axe and Hammer is craft-able (not including the Phaser.)
Crafting the Axe/Hammer: Tape in the middle, with the Head and Handle on either side (Any orientation should work.)
Eventually you will reach the end, which requires a specific tool to be used to destroy the wall blocking the exit.
Movement: WASD
Inventory/Crafting: Tab
Interact/Pickup: e
Use Tool: Left Mouse Button
Back to Menu: escape