ULTIMATE ROOMMATE SIMULATOR is a 2D cooperative resource management game from The Roommates, a team of college students who developed this game over the course of one semester. Our game captures the experience of sharing a living space with another person, wherein both players, as apartment roommates, try to survive the last month of their current college semester, managing their physical health while studying and working jobs.
This is a co-op game meant to be played with 2 players (Though you could still play the game on your own, if you're feeling big-brained).
Game Features
- Single-screen strategic gameplay - You and your roommate share the same apartment, and thus the same screen; move out of each others’ way, and coordinate what you’re doing and when you’re doing it in order to keep your lives running smoothly!
- Constant threat - The life of a roommate never really stops; you get hungry, trash piles up, rent payments loom, and stress and stamina levels plummet. Manage all these resources at once and master them!
- Replay to become the Ultimate Roommate - Just paying rent isn’t good enough; check your Roommate Score at the end of the month, and play through the game again to get a better one!
The Roommates are...
Aditya Kumar
Oliver Gallina
Vincent Levy https://www.artstation.com/vincentlevy https://vincent-levy.itch.io/
Xingyuan Ding
(Also by the way, and hey let's just keep this between you and me, note that the Main Menu is controlled with just the Arrow Keys, thanks.)