Due to a bug in Safari, there is no sound on the "Run game" screen. Please use another browser such as Chrome, or download the game to play. If you see a message saying "unable to verify if the software is malicious" during the download, please open it while holding down the "ctrl" key.
How to play:
Walk: WASD or ↑←→↓
Look around: Mouse
Experience the world through the perspectives and emotions of other characters by physically colliding with them.
This game allows players to experience the different ways in which people perceive the world. The creator of the game noticed that many people feel that their own perception of the world is the only correct one and often reject or dismiss others who have different views. In response, the creator wanted to create a world where the ways in which different people perceive and think about the world are not dismissed, but instead can be experienced.
The title of the game, "Umwelt!", refers to the idea that each living organism has its own unique way of perceiving the world. For example, butterflies can see ultraviolet light, and dogs have an incredibly advanced sense of smell. Even within the same species, individuals may perceive the world differently. For instance, some people may be colorblind, while others may see the world in black and white. Some people may experience visual or auditory hallucinations, or find that certain stimuli appear more intense than others. Additionally, a person's upbringing, beliefs, and experiences can also shape their perception of the world.
Overall, this game aims to create a space where players can explore and appreciate the diversity of human experience and perception.
safariではRun gameの画面で音が出ないバグがあるため、chlomeなどの他のブラウザを使用するか、ゲームをダウンロードしてプレイしてください。また、ダウンロードの際に「悪質なソフトウェアか確認できない」と表示されたらctlrを押しながら開いてください。
Direction & Art: mgr allergen0024
Programming: teineiLIFE, Ryo Hirayama
Resources used:
Unity assets:
Male Models Sampler/Taxes/SpitzSoft
Low poly buildings with multiple color schemes - Colorful City/Triangularity
RPG Monster Partners PBR Polyart/Dungeon Mason