Treat the countries (continents) like horses; put them in the stables next to each other to build their relationship.
Don't let any two countries' relationship fall to zero or there will be WAR!
- Click on a horse to pick it up.
- Click 1 of the 3 squares in the top-left to place or take horses from the stable.
- Horses next to each other in the stable increase their relationship. (If they are connected on the map)
- The connections between country nodes on the map will change color depending on their relationship, and so will the icons.
- Every time a day passes (top-right), a country's relationship with it's map neighbours will increase or decrease depending on if they are in a stable or not.
Relationship Change Logic:
On map - relationship with neighbours will decrease
In Stable (next to neighbour) - relationship with neighbour will increas
In Stable (with neighbour but not next to each other) - relationship wont change