Unforgiving - A Northern Hymn reviews

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Microsoft from Deutsch
Who wants to save yourself the Reading: The Game has an unrestricted purchase recommendation xD Now Follows the Pro/Contra Listing, then my Conclusion Pro Immersive Soundscene + Perfect Timing "Puls-on-Stop * &" Paranoia "Simulator Very exciting Story Nordic Sagatic creatures are still "unused" Good game design Very good audio localization Contra Textures Of the Characters are not very successful Short Play duration Some Lyrics have not been translated into German (E.g. the Folklore) conclusion I have been a since my Childhood Big Fan manicured Horror and Horror. In addition to the Fantasy Genre, the Horror Genre is my favorite Theme in Terms of Literature, Movies and Games. In the Autumn Season my horror cravings come into a Lot right and so I pounced on Unforgiving: A Northern Hymn ... I didn't expect Much, it comes from a very small developer studio and I have rarely played Horror indie titles that could satisfy me. But I had been mistaken. Unforgiving: A Northern Hymn'S greatest Strength is playing with the Fears and your own Expectations. The story, which takes place predominantly in the dark Forest, invites one's own Senses to expect a Monster of any Kind behind each Tree. "There was something ..." "What's that in the back ..." "Whoaaa! What a Noise is that ... " Such and similar Thoughts concerned me throughout the Season. The visual Smears that such a small Dev studio often has to accept are more than made up for here by the acoustic Experience and the school-book use of Sound and Music as a Means Of tension building. Subtly gloomy sounds sneak into your Ear and before you know you feel threatened without even beginning to identify a visible Threat. At no Point in the Game did I feel safe. The only Light Source is Matches, the Noise of Which, when Ignited, made me drive together one by the time. These are limited and go out again after a short While to wrap the Player in Darkness. While Unforgiving is not an Open World title, most of The time it doesn't feel smartly linear. In the Forest you can discover some Things and Stories that give You more or less Information about what Is happening. Trophy-Hunter can collect "Folklore" (18 Pieces) that contain brief background information on different Beings from Norse Mythology. I found this Aspect very interesting and I would have liked them to have been more detailed. Confrontations didn't happen very frequently, but if that was the Case, the Pump went straight to me and I literally ran for my Life without looking around. The Contrast of actual Encounters, after being confronted with your own Paranoia most Of the Time, is what makes the Title so classically creepy for me. I'm sure AngryDemon Studio could deliver a bombastic horror title if they had the Backing of a great Publisher. With the small Amount of money that such a small Studio has, they have nevertheless achieved something that hardly a AAA horror title of recent Years has achieved with me ... Chasing me more often a hearty Horror! There is a clear purchase recommendation from me! 1-, Set-Sequel, please! Click here for my Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnIwhBM6W1-l8gfORv9SQxPT-RIU0SMQ1