Unholy Commotion [DD30 Demo]
You can't get a good night's sleep anymore. There's some kind of unholy commotion going on in the graveyard and it's putting you way behind on your beauty sleep. I guess that's why the property was so cheap, huh?
Tonight, you've had enough. You grab your trusty pistol and set out to return peace and quiet to the neighborhood.
PLEASE READ BEFORE PLAYINGThis title is a pre-pre-pre alpha. It will contain many bugs. Dungeons are still pretty repetitive while I work on game features - content is a bit slower right now.
It has ONLY been tested on Windows at 1920x1080, on the Ultra preset. Results may be pretty wacky on other settings.
I'd recommend checking out the controls before getting started!
CONSOLE COMMANDSYou can bring up an in-game console using ~ , and below are a few commands to help you out if you need 'em:
- KILL - Kills the player
- ENDTRAP - Ends the current trap room
- TELEPORT SHOP - Teleport to shop
- TELEPORT EXIT - Teleport to exit room
- SKIPTO CRYPTBOSS - Skip to the Crypt Stage Boss
- SHOP REROLL - Reroll the shop's wares
- GIVE MONEY xxxx - Gives x money to the player
- GIVE HEALTH xxxx - Gives x health to the player