Untitled Car Game (enekoatxa)

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Little multiplayer party game, in which you control a car that has to be lead to an empty parking spot before any other player. (It also has a time trial single player mode).



Keyboard and mouse are required to play as player 1. Other players may be added with controllers and other keyboards.


This game was the first that I created in my journey to learning game development. It was developed to learn new skills in the Unity game engine.

  • Car mechanics with Unity's integrated wheel collider system to make vehicles.
  • Car destroying and life mechanics.
  • Camera system for multiplayer gamemode.
  • Objects interactions using Unity's integrated physics system.
  • Basic Blender modelling skills.
  • Shader creation with shader graph
  • Music and SFX creation.
  • Animation, sound effects, particle systems and screen shake to provide feedback to the player.
  • Keyboard and controller integration with Unity's input system. Local multiplayer with many controllers.
  • UI design with animations and SFX to provide feedback to the player.
LEARNED SKILLS in more detail:

  • Car mechanics: an arcade style car controller has been programmed. By using Unity's integrated wheel colliders, and by applying torque forces, the car works as an arcade-y car.

The values of the motor/ break forces, mass of the car and steering angles, the controller can be modified.

  • Car destroying and life mechanics: cars are destructible to encourage player interaction by hitting other cars. Environments also takes place in the interaction, as it can affect car life.

Also, a fast restart system has been created so each player can restart level. This has been implemented to encourage fast-paced gameplay so players don't play too conservative.

Moreover, as the level design is not too good, cars can get stuck in different places, so a fast restart system is crucial.

  • Camera system for multiplayer gamemode: a multiplayer camera has been implemented (similar to smash bros camera) that encapsulates all the players in the scene at all times, and works in 3D.

Also, camera animations have been implemented and changes between cameras.

  • Objects interactions: by using Unity's integrated physics system, the objects on the scenarios try to give feedback to the player.  Trees play hit animations and sounds, and apples fall when they are hit by cars.
    • Bushes play hit animations and sounds, and leaf particles are thrown.
    • Cars can damage other cars and break them when they hit them.
    • Trains can throw cars in the air and destroy cars immediately.
    • Tables and benches break and play sounds when hit.
    • People are thrown into the air and play sounds when hit.
    • Mechanical bridges open and close by using animations and open/close cycles can be easily controlled on the editor.
  • Basic Blender modelling skills: all the models in the game have been created in Blender. Also, by using post-processing stack, the visuals of the game have been updated to fit the tone.
  • Shader creation with shader graph: a toon water shader has been created with basic shader graph nodes as color, time, vertex position, voronoi...
  • Music and SFX creation: the music has been created in Reaper by using virtual instruments. SFX have been created with online tools and by mixing free SFX.
  • Animation, sound effects, particle systems and screen shake: to provide feedback to the player, there are more of these elements are placed in many places of the game.
  • Keyboard and controller integration with Unity's input system. Local multiplayer with many controllers: the game has a single-player or multiplayer modes, that are done with Unity's input system.
  • UI design with animations and SFX to provide feedback to the player: the main menu has been designed with basic animations and sounds to provide some kind of feedback to the player while navigating through them.
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Last Modified: Feb 17, 2023

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