Untitled Cat Pumpkin Harvesting Game
Manage cute kitties :3, harvest pumpkins, collect seeds! Can you collect all 5?
- Select / Deselect Cat - Left Mouse Button or Left Shift
- Move Cat - Left Mouse Button with a cat selected. Click on either a pumpkin patch or the pumpkin carver
Music Credits:
- Memories by Roa | https://soundcloud.com/roa_music1031/
- Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/
- Creative Commons CC BY 3.0
- https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
Devtober Post-Mortem:
- The last 20% of the idea can really take 80% of the time. So many little issues towards the end (e.g. trying to decrease the package size, fixing last minute bugs, polish, etc.)
- I'm getting better at decreasing scope. I had lots more planned but this was a great learning experience about what can be done in a month at my current skill level
- I learned a lot of tricks in Unreal Engine (making animations with materials, using post-processing effects, and more!)