Untitled Detective Game (AleksandraZ)
Play as Akira Sato, a detective in Tokyo, to solve crimes and arrest criminals.
Look for evidence in a crime scene and question people. Then choose the correct person and the matching evidence to solve the case.
Chase fleeing criminals across the city streets and rooftops. Assassin's Creed/ Uncharted style climbing mechanics let you climb up building ledges and jump across to other buildings.
The game is currently a prototype and has only one playable mission. Look for a red mission icon (a red diamond with a magnifying glass inside) above a building door and enter the building.
Building models were made using the 'Building Tools' add-on for Blender. (https://blender-addons.org/building-tools-addon/)
Character models and animation were made using tutorial by Sebastian Lague on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFt_AvWsXl0f4c56CbvYi038zmCmoZ4CQ)