Untitled Game (rookjohnson1)
This game was made for Weekly Game Jam 146. The theme was mountain climbing.
Move with A/D
Jump/Double Jump with Spacebar
Attack with Left Arrow
The character can execute a 3 hit combo when attacking in rapid succession.
assets used:
Key sprites - https://hyohnoo.itch.io/keyboard-controller-keys
villager sprites - https://craftpix.net/freebies/free-villagers-sprite-sheets-pixel-art/
village tileset - https://craftpix.net/product/house-builder-tileset-pixel-art/
mountain tileset - https://szadiart.itch.io/pixel-fantasy
castle tileset - https://szadiart.itch.io/pixel-fantasy-castle-prison
character - https://rvros.itch.io/animated-pixel-hero
wolf - https://www.gamedevmarket.net/asset/fantasy-enemy-creatures/
music(Exploration_Mystical Place (loop 2)) - https://www.gamedevmarket.net/asset/fantasyrpg-music-pack/
Edit: I added gif displaying a cool bug.
I would like to make this into a finished project.