Untitled Project (Sonny Blyth)
This was a submission for Search for a Star. I joined very late on Tues 21st Jan, but I gave it a go anyway. The project is a networked multiplayer game, the concept was to be similar to chess, but in a fantasy world. I haven't used Unity for a couple of years and haven't tried networking in Unity, so apologies for poor practises. Though I didnt get that far, features:
- Networked lobby matchmaking system.
- Networked Unit spawning
- User-authoritve unit owning (Players cant control other people's pawns)
- Colour coded cursor highlighting (Grey - Selection, Red - Invalid, Dark Blue - Unit Selection, Light blue - Unit Inspection(Other player's units), Green - Valid unit placement, Orange - Interaction, Purple - Searching for interaction).
- Client Camera controls
- Turn based system
- Visual navigation distance
- Replicated world spawning
Current issues with this version:
- Menus were placeholder, some back buttons arent functional
- Client Movement doesnt work properly, though the movement can be seen fully functional on the server if the command was sent on the client.
- Didnt get round to single player for AI.
- Didnt get round to adding combat.
- Didnt get round to setting up player economy for purchasing units