Untitled Shooter Game (Alpha)
Welcome to UGG.
Untitled Gun Game is a sandbox shooter that will eventually take place in a desolate city, but for now enjoy experimenting with guns, physics objects, and sharpshooting enemies!
Everything you see is subject to change in the future, nothing is final...
This game is in active development and no where near completion so expect a multitude of bugs and errors.
What Is Available Now?
- 1 Small Sandbox Maps
- 2 Weapons
- Enemy AI
- Realtime Physics
- 1 NEW Sandbox Map
- 3 NEW Weapons
- NEW Playermodel
- NEW Redone Animations
We have much more planned for the future of this project after Update 1, so stay tuned!
- MB1 = Shoot
- CTRL = Crouch
- F = Inspect
- R = Reload
- WASD = Walk
- SHIFT = Sprint
- ESC = Quit
- Sometimes the damage screen keep red until shot once again.
- Physics can sometimes bug out.
- Player is able to hold the DB and M9 at the same time. (Will be fixed in U1.)
- The DB Shotgun does not damage enemies. (Will be fixed in U1.)
- Old Playermodel will flicker sometimes. (Will be fixed in U1.)
- Shooting enemies from afar sometimes does not register. (Will be fixed in U1.)
- Sometimes animations will overlap causing errors. (Will be fixed in U1.)
Check the Devlog often to see whats new and upcoming!
Thank you everyone for playing UGG!
If you plan on making a video on UGG, link it below and I will add it to the UGG playlist on YouTube.
UGG Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL25hw_Ncqb2aX3G2dGH5Y3sOuvU-vqHWb
System requirements for PC
Untitled Shooter Game (Alpha) reviews and comments
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