Utter Space
Epilepsy and/or headache and/or nausea warning maybe
The space is getting pretty crowded. Can you find the door to run away (like a coward)? Or will you destroy everything to have enough space (50000 units to be exact) for yourself? (it’s not worth it i swear please dont do it)
The further you go the more excited you get, so step it up (that’s what the legs are for)! And watch out for those black holes, they’re quite scary when it gets crowdy.
W - move up
S - move down
Space - shoot
R - reset
And another button that will tell you how to win the game.
Made for Ludum Dare Jam 42 Compo "Running out of space" (literally and metaphorically or whatever) using Unity 2017.
System requirements for PC
System requirements for Web
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