Vampire INC
Vampire INC is a simple 2D platformer where you play as a vampire that needs to kill to regenerate his power. After reaching a certain amount of kills, the player will unlock new abilities that and gain access to new levels with tougher challenges.
We created Vampire INC in participation of 2022's "My First Game Jam". It was a 2 week project and the team did a great job putting our talents together to create something from nothing. It may not be complete, but it was a great experience. Hope you will enjoy.
Contributions (Discord):
Byronara#4922 - Programming, Dice#9262 - Programming, ! [MPS] 𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙋𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙨#0001 - Programming, lashman#0597 - Sound Design, kiwa#6732 - Environmental Art/Animation, JS-Adi-Boi#5598 - Environmental Art/Animation/Character Design