Vapor Race
Brackey's Game Jam 2021... been trying to finish this for like 22 hours straight after not having power half the week. It's almost certainly riddled with bugs and a big F for all the features it's still missing. But if you guys are into it, it can be improved.
Race your friends to the finish online or on a local network! First to make it wins the round. Five rounds total.
Get random power ups as you go, they stack and provide you with movement options and bonuses. Double jumps, top speed upgrades and the like.
You can use a keyboard or a controller. You can tumble with the ctrl key and I'm guessing square on a dual shock.
Gameplay Tips:
- Running builds up momentum.
- Once your reach a certain speed, you get a "second wind" where your momentum is accelerated even faster each frame.
- Getting a power up will always make you better in some way. Even if you already have that specific one. (9 double jumps anyone?)
- You keep your power ups between rounds.
- Keep an eye on how shaky your are.
- Being too shook will kill momentum, while being calm gives you a steady boost to top speed.
- Hard landings will produce a lot of shake, it can be negated by tumbling upon landing to keep your momentum up.
- Declines build up your momentum incredibly fast, while inclines will slowly kill it.
- You do not build new momentum while in the air.
- Just touching an opponent who has a double jump mid air is enough to get the double jump ability until you land back on the ground. (This wasn't intentional, but I kinda like it)
For the theme "Stronger Together" I wanted to experiment with power up sharing among players. When you're close to an opponent, you will both mutually benefit from each other's power ups being temporarily added to your own.
This, combined with limitless ability stacking and potentially limitless number of players to join powers with and things get out of hand quick. (Also it overstacks right now. It's a bug I missed as I was submitting last minute. But more power ups is better than less.)
What's Missing?
There's so much I had to discard in order to get this submitted on time. Here's to the features left cut.
- Music during the main game.
- Sound FX which are vital for communicating some of the movement.
- Rhythm bonuses. Momentum buffs for moving on beat.
- Different characters to pick (shapes).
- Different levels.
- More race related info on Hud.
- Star background.
- More interaction options with other players.
- Restarting after match is over.
At least the network part works. I'm very happy with that :)
Thank You for checking this out!
Good luck and hit me up if you have any questions on the setup or game.