Vaporwave95: r e m a s t e r e d
Want a brand new way to eXPerience Vaporwave95? Well now you can! Its in widescreen, has new backgrounds, and has several quality of life improvements, so what are you waiting for? Come on and download it! Vaporwave95 Remastered: Celebrating A Year Of V95
Vaporwave95 Credits:
Art, Code, and Main Idea
Future Lore:
Special Thanks:
The Windows 95 Team
Music Credits:
MACINTOSH PLUS - リサフランク420現代のコンピュー: Vekroid
Desktop 85: $POOKYJAZZY
v a p o r w a v e?: B u z i e
N I G H T W A L K I N G タヌキ | Brand New Animal: glitter
W I N D O W S L O N G H O R N 2 0 0 5: Hackosef
Mike Noise Low Earth Orbit: Mike Noise
Running In The 90s Vaporwave: sytricka
GLITCH: Windows 98 by PALTEO: Palteo
Beach Walk: Pyrocynical
Until Next Time: Deltarune Chapter 2
Toby Fox - Don't Forget (Jayfoo Remix): Jayfoo
Glue70 - Casin ( V a p o r W a v e ): Casin
Childish Gambino: Redbone
note: v-demon used to be me