Vegeteble Storeiz
The Story
Uh o. Blob the tomanto is roling doun the hill! Thanck gudness his guud frenz like Harry the Cucumber and Mr. Blunt arr hear! Wif there help, wil Blob bee able to sav himselph and lern valuable lesons? Yeh... probebly not.
By Scoot-O-Speed Studios @scoot_o
Controls- SPACE to Jump
- Hold SPACE to charge jump or fall faster.
- Yeah that's literally it.
Josh - Programming, Animation, Game/Level Design, UI, Voice Acting
- itch
- twitter @Jordan_Liver
Sasha - Dialog, Music , Sound Design, Voice Acting
- instagram @pearl_peebles
- twitter @NocturnalPearl
Kati - Player Sprites, Background Art, Assets, Voice Acting
- instagram @katillumination
- twitter @katillumination
Assets Used
- Chef Guy
- Pizza thing
Engine + Tools Used
- Unity
- DOTween
Made in under 10 days for So Bad it's Good Jam 2021