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Microsoft from Russian
Microsoft from Russian
Description: A Treche runner made on Unity. The Idea is not bad. We play at the same time for two boats that float on a narrow river, the size of one step. We are given two buttons control clicking on which the boat changes its side of the river on which flows. The Task is to collect 100 chests of gold in one race (to achieve achievements) and do not run into floating trees. By the Way, if you miss at least one trunk then there will be a gameplayer (which is not the right thing). From the side of the graphics and the sound of the treche creepy. Achivki work, but are obtained only after leaving the game.... I Liked the gameplay itself, which is knocked out of standard runners well and pleases the presence of the possibility of the game together with a single comic, but I did not take advantage of it... Not recommended.
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Microsoft from Russian
Microsoft from Russian
Product received for free Viking Drakkara-A complete clone, the last game from the same developer-Pixel Car, so the review will be a partial copy. The Only thing that changed: In the last game were cars, mugs, squares, here are the Drakkara, logs, and chests.
The Game is essentially based on the distributed attention, that is, we have 2 Drakkara, 2 buttons, 1 on the Drakkar, moving them left-right. And It seems that everything is simple-you need to watch our ships to swim on the chests and avoid logs. In fact, it's not that easy. The trick as in juggling is to simultaneously concentrate on one (Drakkarah, chests or logs), quickly translating the concentration to the next object as the situation changes. In words it is simple, but to master it will require time.
The game is possible local multiplayer on the keyboard or controllers, so you can play with friends.
Cons in the next-no ratings, and there is nothing new. Seriously, do Reskin and sell the same as the new game?
As a result: The game is not worth the full price, if there is Pixel Car, buy this meaning a little, because it is the same game. Plus-Fast achievements. But because the slave sells the same game, with only a little reskinom, a finger down.
4 Drachkara of 10 P. S: If this review was useful for You put the likes, and also add friends and subscribe to me as a curator-Reviews online