Vikram Betal
Vikram & Betal is a story-driven action & adventure game with beautiful 2d pixel art.
It brings the Vikram & Betal stories to life in a game with Betal telling stories and asking questions.
This game is a prototype made during the #BadaSoch game jam.
- The central idea of this game is "Thinking Big" and this is brought out through the questions asked by Betal
- This game itself is a product of the deveoper's big thinking to bring to life an Indian story series
Controls :
- Move Left - Left arrow or A
- Move Right - Right arrow or D
- Jump - Space bar
- Attack - X
System requirements for Web
Vikram Betal reviews and comments
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Projection: First Light, ACA NEOGEO THE KING OF FIGHTERS 2000, Genesis, Hangman Pro, Create