Volleyball Prototype
Volleyball Prototype
This is just a prototype we did implementing cubic polynomial curves. It was pretty fun to do, given that this was done in 3 days ^^.
We just implemente the features of serving and recieving from the other team, you cannot play beyond that point.
The point is that you can serve the ball and win the game by making an ACE serve or lose the game if u send the ball to a player of the other team. You can switch between camera angles (even first person) but I recomend using the '1' when aiming.
Speaking of aim, you can change the direction, spin and power of your serve by pressing X or C and dragging the mouse.
If you have any doubt, press H to show all the things u can do in this 'demo'.
Anyways, i hope you like it (?) even thought it's not even a full game itself XD
Feel free to leave any comment or feedback!
Also his project was made with Processing and we are only using math for everything (even the camera movement with mathimatical matrix)
~Marc Romera
~Ryan Palazón