Voltaic Pursuit
You're a space pirate and you need to defeat the space police, but your laser keeps running out of battery, and is prone to over-heating!
Get through all 100 waves to win
This game was made for the Weekly Game Jam 100 with the theme 100
Move: WASD or left analog stick
Aim: Arrow keys or right analog stick
Shoot: Space or R1
Pause: Esc or start
Controller Menu Navigation: D-Pad
AAP-64 Palette → Adigun A. Polack - https://lospec.com/palette-list/aap-64
Space Shooter GUI → craftpix - https://craftpix.net/freebies/free-space-shooter-game-gui
Space Background → dinvstudio - https://dinvstudio.itch.io/dynamic-space-background-lite-free
Health Bar Asset Pack → adwitr - https://adwitr.itch.io/pixel-health-bar-asset-pack
Background Music → SketchyLogic - https://opengameart.org/content/nes-shooter-music-5-tracks-3-jingles
Monogram font → datagoblin - https://datagoblin.itch.io/monogram
Everything Else → ME! - https://scintillatinator.itch.io/