VZcave (VZ200, VZ300)
VZcave for the VZ200 & VZ300 computer emulators, such as 'VZEM'.
Way back in July 2002, Waulok said to me on the VZ mailing list, something like : "How about a cave game? Like SFcave?". I went home that afternoon from work at about 3pm, and this was the result by 2am the next morning. This could be the only game that I have ever completely finished.
To run this on real hardware, unfortunately it will require a full 32k VZ300 due to me dumbly putting the screen buffer at $E000 for whatever silly reason. It wont run on a 24k VZ200.
<0-5> : Set game speed. : Start the game. : Up.
Written in C, compiles with the the-then current version of Z88DK in 2002, being v1.2. Will not compile correctly with the current version due to VZ library changes over the years.