Wait For It (MineRobber9000)
A game that asks the important questions, like "what makes a game fun", "how do you make a game about delaying the inevitable", and "how long can I subject you to the garbage I call original music?"
This is a 5-minute experience. All assets (excepting the player sprite, which is based on a public domain sprite sheet by Glacialan, linked below, and the grass sprite, which is from GRASS+ by SciGho, also linked below) were created by me during LD50. Most of the programming was done in 4 hours, but then I took some breaks and fixed some issues and here we are almost 20 hours afterwards. The good news is, I'm 99% sure that this is a working game. (The 1% is Mac and Linux support since I can only test Windows right now.)
Sprite sheet: https://opengameart.org/content/8x8-character-and-sprite-sheet
GRASS+: https://ninjikin.itch.io/grass