War Against The Future
This game is a college work where we had to create a platformer game on Construct 3.
The items are random and can cause random effects to the player.
You must explore the map and kill all the enemies to win the level.
Fernanda Corrêa de Mello
Leonardo Korzenowski Saraiva
Level Design:
Leonardo Korzenowski Saraiva - Tutorial
Fernanda Corrêa de Mello - Level 1
Gabriel de Oliveira Pedroso - Level 2
Aline Pessoa da Silva Kaiper - Level 3
Marcelo Pereira Buss - Level 4
João Pedro Lentino dos Santos
Thanks to:
- https://ansimuz.itch.io/warped-city (Tilesets & Sprites)
- https://0x72.itch.io/16x16-robot-tileset (Sprites)
- https://opengameart.org/content/explosions-0 (Sprites)