Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Storm Ground posts

[Playstation] Does anyone play this game online?
I just finished the campaign and it was pretty fun. Was hoping to play multiplayer but it seems dead. Does anyone still play online? I wanted to try out multiplayer.
It's 2013. Have they patched the performance and text size on the switch?
Found only negative reviews from 2021. Really want this to be good.
Is there anyone still playing this game?
I try to find an automatch for hours now, just bought the game and can't even refund it with this much playtime :(
How do you use cross-save?
I'd read that this was a feature but I can't figure out how to jump between Switch and PC. Any help is appreciated!
Trophies. Help
Can't seem to find anything regarding 3 trophies .. summon stardrake is one of the ones I'm wondering about the other two are similar for the the other factions... How do you get the stardrake ? Hard to summon someth6 you don't have Is it a level reward ? Something else ? What am I missing...
If someone wants a code
Code if anyone wants.
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Storm Ground - Gameplay Overview Trailer
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Storm Ground - Official Gameplay Overview
This was a hard Reddit to find
So! 10 hours in and my stormcast feel the best . Tried undead didn't like. You guys? Got nurgle to try too still
A gameplay review of this brand new game. Is this finally the video game that AOS has needed for so long?
Is wargear unique?
I have two resilient sword and was trying to give each to different units but for some reason i can't do it. Only one of the units can get one when i go to the other both are equiped. And i can't find any tooltip or help ingame to explain it, the equiped unit isn't shown either