Warrior of Asc II
Game very similar to Zone of the Enders 2, but with a very different Gameplay, very different story, very different music and very different Graphics.
Music from here: http://www.rengoku-teien.com/ which if my google translation translate correctly are Open Source
Game source( WTFPLv2): https://github.com/cosmo-ray/ai
Engine Source(LGPLv3): https://github.com/cosmo-ray/yirl
The Cover image is a screenshot of a screenshot of me playing WARRIOR OF ASC II converted to ASCII
Also, you can see a virtual box, it's because I've compile my game engine on Centos 7 in order to have a binary compatible with most Distro, My computer is on the glorious Arch Linux, so outdated Distro can't run binary compiled on Arch.
I'm generally not on lxqt but I like to test new DE, so yeah, lxqt screenshot
BTW, I use GNU/semi-vegetarian/Arch/Emacs/Linux
I'm editing this page while waiting for my F****** VM to finish installing
That's slow as f**** I should have use Qemu + KVM, but yeah choose the easy solution, that's stupid....
And once VM finish installing I Still have to compile everything, and upload my files... it's 22 and an half now I've start installing at 21, I should have use qemu, but it's nearly finish now, "Performing post install" how long should this take
\o/ "Installing boot loader", 23pm
So 23:30 I am now installing lua 5.3 on centos, but as centos like old package and have lua 5.1 as lua package , I have to find community repository...
23:45 yum install ncurses-devel, seriously even ncurses, I have waiting like 1h30 to install this because I've select all development tool in the GUI installer and I don't even have ncurses-devel.
Don't true GUI they're perfidious
00:06 yeah, I have a tar, and I've eliminate some bugs too,
But I think I've break GCC build now, but it should be pretty easy to fix again...
01:10: I've upload screenshot and it seems to work on my others machines, except curses that is broken
Anyway time to watch an Hunter X Hunter and go to sleep,
Good Night