Wart Worm Wingding!

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Wart Worm Wingding is a 2-player arcade adventure for the NES. It's inspired by games like Bubble Bobble and Dig Dug.

The settler's mining operations on Irata have gone too far. The Wart Worms decide to take back the Irata underground by destroying the settlers and driving them out.

This is just a DEMO that contains 30 levels and 3 boss fights. The full game, coming in 2020, will feature a full 100 levels and 10 boss fights.

In order to switch between 1- and 2-player mode on the start screen, press B (this is just for the demo version.)

The DEMO takes ~15-20 minutes to complete, depending on skill.

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FOR THE BEST EXPERIENCE: I recommend getting an original NES controller and a USB adapter for it. You can find one here or here.

For really enterprising types, this game is fully playable on an actual NES. You can use either an Everdrive, a PowerPak, or flash an empty cart, as long as each has mapper 30 support.

* * *

Wart Worm Wingding was made possible thanks to NESMaker, an engine developed to make NES development a reality for people who are not versed in assembly language.

In order to play Wart Worm Wingding, you'll need an NES emulator. I recommend FCEUX. Many emulators do not have mapper 30 support, which is the mapper NESMaker uses for its games. 

Once you have FCEUX downloaded, start it up and open the WartWormWingding.nes ROM. The game should work fine.

FOR MAC USERS: Download OpenEMU for Mac. When you open the program, right click on the Nintendo (NES) category on the left hand sidebar and select "Default Core." Then select FCEU. 


ATTENTION: If you want to play the game in your browser, you can use this link: http://koute.github.io/pinky-web/

You'll still have to download the ROM and load it on the website.

Controls: Start = Enter; arrow keys move; X = B

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The music in the demo is just placeholder and sourced from my other NES homebrew game Wampus.

Princess Quest by Ben Burnes (Abstraction)

Pixel War 1 by Ben Burnes (Abstraction)

Save the City by Ben Burnes (Abstraction)

Out of Time by Ben Burnes (Abstraction)

MULE Theme by Roy Glover, translated to NESMaker by Ben Burnes (Abstraction).

To learn more about Ben Burnes's music, visit: http://www.abstractionmusic.com/

More from this developer: https://johnvanderhoef.itch.io

Release date
John Vanderhoef
Age rating
Not rated

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System requirements for Linux

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Last Modified: Dec 20, 2019

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