WaveCrash!! (itch)

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Head-to-head puzzle brawling action! Match blocks to send waves at your opponent! Dodge their waves or crash them head-on to survive. Unleash unique super attacks and explosive Hype Mode to tip the scales. It's a back-and-forth struggle for arcade puzzling dominance!

The demo contains two characters: the magical martial-artist in training Yo and the aloof psychic detective Seth! Let loose chi blasts and psychic barriers in a battle to the death! Or at least until one fighter falls over and doesn't feel like getting up again!

The current in progress version includes Hana, the schoolgirl with feet of fury, Phoebe, the indestructible android, Sensei Jones, and Momoko, the part-time ninja, and Belmont, the tycoon inferno!

Update Notes

vDemo.01 (9/7/2015) - Fixed a few game stopping bugs and added some visual flare items.

vDemo.02 (10/29/2015) - Lots of stuff!

  • Gave the UI a face lift.
  • Added an options menu.
  • New visual effects!
  • Improved controls and added a time limit/sudden death.
  • Added a tease for a mysterious new character that is coming soon!

vInProgress.02 (11/02/2015) - A new crasher appears: Hana!

vInProgress.03 (1/18/2016) - Added single player Practice mode!

  • Practice mode is pretty rough right now. The AI does not know how to use Hype Mode or play defense (and occasionally stops acting entirely), but it plays fast enough to be a challenge. Enjoy!
  • Balance adjustments!
    • Players gain more Hype when losing (25% more when after losing 1 row, 50% more after losing 2)
    • Hana's blocks now fall 50% slower than normal instead of 25%.
  • Bug fixes!

vInProgress.04 (2/15/2016) - A new crasher appears: Phoebe, the Android!

  • Also added some new visual effects (hit feedback, activating hype mode, and highlight super block groups.

vInProgress.06 (6/9/2016) - A new crasher appears: Sensei Jones!

  • Also fixed a bug that could cause character animations to freeze.

vInProgress.07 (9/22/2016) - A new crasher appears: Momoko, the Part-Time Ninja

  • Added an attract loop on main menu
  • Balance changes:
    • Increased Hana's attack exit time
    • Decreased Phoebe's startup attack time
    • Decreased Seth's super attack startup time

Later update notes are in the dev log!

Release date
Flyover Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

System requirements for macOS

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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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