Way of the Samurai 3 reviews

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Microsoft from Deutsch
Briefly alluded to and looked in. Graphics for this Game are fully adequate, not worse than its Predecessors, but also not necessarily better. Sound as you are used to from this Game series, from me an OK. Control...... Jaaaa the dear Control, in need of getting used to!!! ... Anyone who likes to get a Dropout because you can beat Char after Left instead of right I can't fully recommend this Game, sone Keyboard rages very badly out of the Table edge. Gamepad is probably not supported, at least I have not found anything in this Direction ... Too bad, because with the Game would be even more appealing tick. Other Than that, I can only say that I know the Predecessors and also the Problems they had and yet I would buy them again and again. Definitely a Game that you should have pulled at least once in your Life and Must-have for People who also want to experience a good Game without Permanent Fire.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
If you have Performance problems and Crashes, the Fps set to 60 in the Configuration settings in the Game Folder, and then you'll lure the Game to 30fps in the Graphics card Settings. The 30fps are important because under 60fps some Mini-games play like in Pre-coil Mode, which in these moments simply becomes unplayable (was like that with me anyway). Other Than that, I can't Write too much about the Game itself, but my First Impression is once positive. Edit: The Game has now pretty captivated me 2 Days at a Time. Unfortunately, the Graphics are a bit old and something between PS3 and PS2. But what distinguishes this Game are the Many Different Paths you can take in the Story (Which is why The Replay Value is not only extremely High, but also wanted). The Combat System is Also well liked. All in all, it is a Game that you simply have to Have played yourself in order to Understand the Fascination Behind it. If you can see across the Graphics, you will have a Game here that you won't Forget any more soon!
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Microsoft from Deutsch
A good Review should involve more Time than under an Hour. This is all too clear to me, but I am giving off my Mustard here, as I have really reached into the Mustopf with this Game and do not want others to do the same. As for the Game itself, I can't say anything about it-simply because I had a common Bug that caused the Game to crash from the Steam library after the Start. Blackscreen and End. Now this is not a little more common Bug and I hoped that the Developers could have helped me out, which is why I walked the Way Through the bug report and, after an initial Attempt at help (which unfortunately failed), sent my software data at The request of Support, so that a Solution can be created. That was about three Months ago and before Steam'S Return Period expired. In the meantime, it has expired and the Support, despite repeated speeches on my part, has only comforted me and has stopped answering completely since The End of the Return. I have been dragged across the Table after my Practice. So here's my Advice: If you get the Game (as I do with all DLCs), see if it's Up to you and if it's no, give it back very quickly, as support is not reliable to say the least.